
  此文來 Asugardating 自外洋非民間軍事論壇。有意的伴侶望完整文,會發明許多有取的東東,作者的無關中國潛艇的常識真是讓我受驚。我調一些本身感愛好的翻譯進去。
  (2 Meeting-girl 4/05)SUBMARINES: Meeting-girl The Chinese Submarine Building Program
  Sid Trevethan Meeting-girl
  May 24, 2004: The Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) regards it Meeting-girl s submarine force as i墨晴雪點頭,別人師傅還沒完,她不能繼續啊。ts first line naval force. Not without reason. Only the submarine forc Meeting-girl e has nuclear powere下,,,,,,哎〜我想什么啊,脏,太脏了。”凌菲律宾拍拍自己的脸,让自d ships. More importantly, Chinese submarines pose the most significant threat to hostile na Asugardating val forces, especially U.S. Navy carrier battle groups. The Chinese submarine force is undergoing rapid conversion Asugardating to modern propul Asugardating sion, sensor and weapons te Asugardating chnologies. At the same time, serious measures have been taken to reduce noise Asugardating levels and increase the effectiveness of the crews.
  總的關於中國潛 Meeting-girl 艇部隊的先容。
  The elite portion of the submarine force is its nuclear powered ships. Submarines are officially Meeting-girl “ships“ in the PLAN, rather than Asugardating “boats“ as in o Asugardating ther navies.
  The Chinese nuclear submarine force was long main Asugardating ly a paper threat. The original half a dozen nuclear submarines (5 Han Meeting-girl attack boats and a si Asugardating ngle Xia which is nominally a ballistic missile sub) were Asugardating the most noisy nucl Asugardating ear s“好了,趕快離開這裡!〜謝”韓冷萬元諷刺的話想說謝謝。ubmarines ever built. Worse, they had terrible problems wit眉毛,大大的眼睛h radiation leaks in the reactor coolant system.




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